Getting started with ssw-r: Sequence alignment examplesUpdated 7 days ago

Nan Xiao

Rendered from ssw.Rmd in ssw 0.2.0.
protr: R package for generating various numerical representation schemes of protein sequencesUpdated 9 days ago

Nan Xiao <>

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Nan Xiao

Rendered from ggsci.Rmd in ggsci 3.2.0.
A Quick Introduction to msaenetUpdated 4 months ago

Nan Xiao <>

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Model stacking for boosted treesUpdated 4 months ago

Nan Xiao

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Maximum Homogeneity Clustering for One-Dimensional DataUpdated 6 months ago

Nan Xiao <>

Rendered from oneclust.Rmd in oneclust 0.3.0.
Graphical testing for group sequential designUpdated 8 months ago

Nan Xiao

Rendered from GraphicalMultiplicity.Rmd in gMCPLite 0.1.5.
Multiplicity graphsUpdated 8 months ago

Nan Xiao

Rendered from hGraph.Rmd in gMCPLite 0.1.5.
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Nan Xiao

Rendered from ggsci-faq.Rmd in ggsci 3.2.0.
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Nan Xiao

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Nan Xiao <>

Rendered from Rcpi.Rmd in Rcpi 1.41.2.
Rcpi Quick Reference CardUpdated 2 years ago

Nan Xiao <>

Rendered from Rcpi-quickref.Rmd in Rcpi 1.41.2.
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Nan Xiao <> Gao Wang <> Lei Sun <[email protected]>

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Nan Xiao

Rendered from enpls.Rmd in enpls 6.1.
A Quick Introduction to liftrUpdated 3 years ago

Nan Xiao <>

Rendered from liftr-intro.Rmd in liftr 0.9.2.
Explore tidyverse with liftrUpdated 3 years ago

Nan Xiao <>

Rendered from liftr-tidyverse.Rmd in liftr 0.9.2.
RStudio Addins for liftrUpdated 3 years ago

Nan Xiao <>

Rendered from liftr-addins.Rmd in liftr 0.9.2.
Compact Package RepresentationsUpdated 3 years ago

Nan Xiao

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Nan Xiao

Rendered from filecollection.Rmd in pkglite 0.2.2.
Generate File SpecificationsUpdated 3 years ago

Nan Xiao

Rendered from filespec.Rmd in pkglite 0.2.2.
Represent Packages with pkglite.txtUpdated 3 years ago

Nan Xiao

Rendered from format.Rmd in pkglite 0.2.2.